Dedicate a paver leading to the St. Landry Parish Veterans Memorial Bobby Dupre Welcome Center!
Only 180 concrete 8″ x 8″ squares will make up the front walkway leading into the Welcome Center. This phase is limited to first come, first served.
To place your order, complete the order form. If you would like to add a graphic, choose from these image options.
The donation for each paver is $125. We are able to accept cash, money order, or check payable to St. Landry Parish Veterans Memorial. You can mail your order form and check or money order to:
St. Landry Parish Veterans Memorial
c/o Pat Mason-Guillory
P.O. Drawer 1550
Opelousas, LA 70571
If you prefer to pay by cash, please reply to this email or contact Pat Mason-Guillory at 337-351-6063 or pmgveterans@slpgov.net to coordinate.
We encourage you to submit your order form as soon as possible. We greatly appreciate your support!

Dedicate a brick
Each brick will consist of three (3) lines of wording with up to eighteen (18) characters per line. Please contact Pat Mason-Guillory for more information.
You can download the brick application here.